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Wellness Services

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Wellness Coaching

As a Certified Health Coach, Mary offers you elevated well-being. Coaching harnesses your motivation and inner wisdom to help you meet goals in any areas of your life that feel off-balance or need attention.


Wellness Coaching can be an effective and powerful tool. It can also help you implement goals and treatment plans from other professionals or meet important health demands that may impact your future - all while breaking down barriers and tapping into strengths you may have never noticed.


Mary is serving as your coach because you want to make significant changes. These changes will sometimes happen fast and other times not. Because transformation happens over time, she requests a 6-session commitment to the coaching process. This will include an intake session (45 minutes - 1 hour) and five 30-minute, follow-up sessions (comprising the Find Your Way package). This will allow the coaching relationship to develop and be a powerful force in your life. Upon completion of this commitment, more sessions may be in order. At this time, this service is not covered by insurance. Fees are due at the time of service. Fees are payable at the beginning of each session by credit card, check or cash. Please see the fee schedule: 
  • Find Your Way Package (6 sessions): $500

  • Follow-Up Session (50 minutes): $125

  • Follow-Up Session (30 minutes): $65

  • Between-Session Contact (billed in 15-minute increments): $25/increment 


Aging Life Care Management


As a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with 8 years experience within the medical system, Mary can act as a guide and advocate for those who are caring for older relatives or disabled adults. The problems within this dynamic can be multifaceted and complex, and Mary is aware of this, spending the last three years of her time at Wake Forest Health Network assisting low income seniors and performing Medicare Annual Wellness Visits. Working with families and/or individuals, she provides information and input at a time of uncertainty to assist seniors and disabled folks in attaining their maximum functional potential.  She can also address a broad range of issues related to their wellbeing, pulling in other resources as needed.  This service can be temporary or ongoing. Her guidance can help with actions and decisions that ensure quality care and an optimal life for aging and disables loved ones. This service looks like:


  • Assessment and monitoring

  • Planning and problem-solving

  • Education and advocacy

  • Family/caregiver coaching


This service is not covered by insurance. Here is a fee information:


Mary's hourly fee is $125 per hour. She will prorate hourly fees if they include periods of less than one hour. Service fees apply to a variety of tasks that vary, depending on needs. Fees may apply to time spent in person, on the telephone/video calls and in email contact with aging/disabled loved ones, those that support them and with collateral contacts needed to address comprehensive wellness and functioning needs. Fees are due at the time of service. Fees are payable at the beginning of each session by credit card, check or cash. 


Therapeutic Consultation


Throughout her eight years within Cornerstone Health and Wake Forest Health Network primary care offices, Mary helped many different types of people through many different situations. Some problems were chronic in nature or others were temporary. There were emergencies and situations that required measured, intentional intervention. Different people had access to different resources. She is gifted in assessing strengths and resources to get what is needed to the folks who need it most. This understanding of the complex nature of problems related to mental health, addiction and behavioral problems along with knowledge of resources around the country, leaves her able to intervene to assist those suffering from many different types of challenges (when she cannot offer helpful services herself). In other words, Mary, with experience, attention to detail, perseverance and ongoing pursuit of knowledge and information will guide you and offer valuable direction and insight, ensuring that you or your loved one's needs are matched to exactly the right type of service, increasing the chance of successful outcomes and easing the strain on those around the folks in need of services.  


This service is not covered by insurance.  Fee information is as follows:  Mary's hourly fee is $125 per hour. She will prorate hourly fees if they include periods of less than one hour. Consultation fees apply to a variety of tasks that vary depending on needs. Fees may apply to report writing, telephone conversations, video calls, attendance at meetings with other professionals you have authorized, preparation of materials you have requested, feedback sessions and the time spent performing any other service you may request. Fees are due at the time of service. Fees are payable at the beginning of each session by credit card, check or cash. 

Wellness Coaching
Aging Life Care Management
Therpeutic Consultation
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